Golden Palm

Golden Cane Palm

    Golden cane palm is a fantastic way to add flair and a eccentric atmosphere to your home or patio. Considered a medium-sized tree, the golden cane palm is initially a slow-grower but once established, it will thrive and producing a year-round spectacle of feathery foliage.

Family: Arecaceae (palm family)
Genus: Dypsis
Species: lutescens
Scientific name: Chrysalidocarpus Lutecens

Meaning in Feng Shui

    Golden Cane palm's evergreen foliage is making it to use Feng Shui purposes.
    With a hundred leaves on a single small average sized of it, the foliage has no obvious shape.
    It somewhat acts like a cushion against energy that are too strong.

Symbolism of Golden Cane Palm

    The Golden cane palm goes with various alternative names such as: Yellow palm, Butterfly palm, Areca palm, Dypsis.
    It is hard to find specific symbolism for the Areca palm. Palm branches in general were already the symbol for the goddess Nikè, the goddess of victory, in Roman times.

Grow and Care

    They are easy to care for and related to the bamboo plant.
  • Planting; plant it early spring or summer when soil temperature is at least 18°C. İf the temperature is lower than this, it can cause reduce or stop the tree's root growth. Plant the tree indirect, bright sunlight locations. Plant the tree at soil level. Dig a hole for the tree's root can place. Then press on the soil and fill the hole. Immediately water the tree after planting.
  • For potting: Prepare a pot, which is twice the size of the current container. Fill the pot halfway with a rich, organic potting mix. Place the root-ball into the pot, ensuring that the top of the root-ball lines up with the top edge of the pot.
  • Watering; it prefers well-drained, moist, rich soil. Maintain a regular watering habit. It needs to stay moisturized. Water the tree approximately twice a week in summer and weekly in winter.
  • Fertilization; once a year is enough for fertilizing at the beginning of growth period. You can feed the palm with liquid fertilizers.
  • Pruning; the palm maintains its natural shape without much help from pruning. In fact, you will just leave the palm to do its own without interfering. Occasionally, you will need to remove a dead or a damaged frond.